Powell River Penstock Repairs and Refurbishments

Powell River Penstock Repairs and Refurbishments

Client: Evolugen
Project Location: Powell River, BC

Disciplines: Civil/Structural, Mechanical, Geotechnical
Keywords: Power Generation, Hydro, Detailed Design, Penstock, Construction Support, QA
Status: Completed

Based on previous inspections and fitness-for-service assessments performed, EnFlux recommended repairs to areas that were calculated to have “”no remaining life””. Additionally, EnFlux staff were on site to provide professional engineering services during the repair work, review quality, and inspect repairs prior to the penstocks returning to service.
In addition, EnFlux also performed inspections on isolation devices (headgate and take off valves) and provided SDI certification as well as Confined Space certifications for access into the confined space defined by the penstock downstream of the headgate.


= Design of repair methods to address deficiencies identified following the completion of inspection and condition assessment of P4,
= QA and construction support throughout the field repairs, and
= Single device isolation certification for valves and headgate and preparation of Confined Space certificate for P4.