Waltham Hydro GS Penstock and Concrete Structure Inspection and Condition Assessment

Waltham Hydro GS Penstock and Concrete Structure Inspection and Condition Assessment

Client: Evolugen
Project Location: Waltham, QC

Disciplines: Civil/Structural, Mechanical, Geotechnical
Keywords: Power Generation, Hydro, Inspection, Assessment, Dam Safety
Status: Ongoing

EnFlux was retained by the client to review historical documentation, perform a gap analysis, inspection, condition assessment of penstocks and associated supports. Existing historical records were fragmented and lacked sufficient detail so EnFlux performed a detailed inspection to collect the missing information required for a thorough condition assessment. During inspection EnFlux developed repair procedures for multiple defects that required immediate attention. EnFlux performed an API 579 fitness-for-service assessment and provided recommendations to mitigate risk associated with continued operation as well as proposed options to repair portions of the penstock in order to extend its service life. EnFlux is continuing to work with Evolugen to analyze and monitor the condition of multiple damaged concrete supports.


= Scoping of a detailed inspecton to collect field data on penstocks to perform a condition assessment per API579 standard,
= Condition assessment and remaining life calculations for all penstocks, concrete support structures and foundations at Waltham GS, and
= Assessment results will be utilized to develop repair/refurbishment/replacement means to address the deficiencies/risk identified.