Powell River Penstock Monitoring, Inspection and Condition Assessmentt

Powell River Penstock Monitoring, Inspection and Condition Assessment

Client: Evolugen
Project Location: Powell River, BC

Disciplines: Civil/Structural, Mechanical
Keywords: Power Generation, Penstock, Hydro, Inspection, Assessment, Dam Safety
Status: Ongoing

EnFlux was retained by the client to act as consultant, penstock expert, and engineer of record. After performing a detailed inspection, EnFlux performed a condition assessment of the 4 penstocks, most of which are over 100 years old. Remaining life for each penstock was then calculated and it is used as a tool to determine risk, to develop a detailed asset management plan.
EnFlux also developed a plan and schedule for continued monitoring to track degradation at critical areas throughout the system and for detection of defects prior to failure.


= Scoping and field inspection of penstocks at Powell River GS,
= Condition assessment of P2, P3, P4 and P5 as per API 579 FFS standard,
= Remaining lives calculated part of the assessment performed based on field testing,
= Development of a monitoring program as part of the Asset management plant at Powell River GS, and
= EnFlux Engineering and staff has been monitoring and inspection penstocks at Powell River GS since 2015.