
Power Plant Design
Multidisciplinary design (Mechanical, Structural, Civil and Geotech) of power generation plants. Experience in designing tunnels, concrete dams/weirs, spillways, intakes, canals, pipelines, penstocks, powerhouses and balance of plant both hydraulically and structurally. Design optimization for reduced construction cost and optimum financial returns.

Power Studies and Project Optimization
Energy modeling of run of river and storage reservoir hydro projects. Monthly, daily, and hourly models of projects. Optimization of the sizing of projects based on costs and revenues.

Performance Testing of Hydroelectric Plant
Carry out performance tests of hydroelectric plants following the IEC 41 guidelines. Installation of Winter Kennedy instrumentation, monitoring and analysis of all the outputs of the plant and flow tests using the dye testing method.

Risk Assessment and FMEA
Inspection, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Risk management, refurbishment and repair planning.

Penstock Design
Hydraulic and structural design of buried and surface penstocks. Use of finite element analyses for detailed penstock design.

Penstock Expertise
Hydraulic and structural design of buried and surface penstocks. Experience with alternative materials. Design of specialty joints (expansion joints (bellow, slip type, etc), couplings, appurtenances, etc.). Use of finite element analyses for detailed penstock design and technical analysis. Inspection and condition assessment of aging penstocks. Fitness for Service Analysis and Remaining Life assessment.

Dam Safety
We have available contract engineers that can provide inspection of dams, stability analyses and dam break analyses and inundation studies to determine the impact of dam failure on downstream users.

Inspection and Condition Assessment
Single device isolation certifications, inspection of aging assets, condition assessment and remaining life assessments.

Desktop Studies
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study, conceptual design, cost estimating and economic analyses for the large, small and run-of-river hydroelectric projects in Canada and abroad.

We have teamed up with an engineer that has the expertise to do watershed modeling for flood analyses, using digital topography and digital land use maps. Modeling of design storms over a watershed to obtain the PMF and other return period floods. Use of HEC-HMS and the UBC Watershed Model to determine flood flows and the use of the UBC watershed model for synthesizing daily stream flows.